Release Endorphins – Your “Happy Hormone”
When stimulated with a cold laser beam, specific points on the body signal the brain to release endorphins. One key factor of endorphins is to reduce the overproduction of stress hormones, most importantly cortisol. This very necessary hormone, cortisol, becomes an enemy in larger quantities. When triggered by our “fight or flight” response it is responsible for making you feel
edgy, irritable, and downright angry. This hormone can also cause poor sleeping habits, difficulty concentrating, and increased abdominal fat.

This alone explains why laser therapy is so effectively used to help

◆ smokers to Quit Smoking
◆ people struggling with weight issues to Lose or Maintain Weight
◆ reduce Anxiety and its harmful effects
◆ cope with and alleviate Pain

But that’s not all. Laser is also used to…
 Stimulate your detoxifying organs to release toxins out of your body and reduce inflammation
 Stimulate your metabolism so you burn fat more effectively
 Appetite suppressant points help you feel satisfied and avoid overeating
 Relax! Stimulating anxiety points cause you to feel very relaxed by the halfway point of your treatment! This also reduces cortisol, so you have come full circle.